Sunday, December 12, 2010

my Third Weigh In

Dear Diary,
My second Weigh In was last 4th Dec and I lost 5 kg by then. Now I am 124.8kg . After 2 weeks, I just managed to lose that amount. Well comparing to my actual weight , 5 kg is only 3.8% of total kg loss. My third weigh-in is only a week after . OMG....I'm going back ...balik kampung..My mother's in-law can I endure it. So....on 11th third weigh-in......ha..ha...I gain 200g...officially 125kg. The next weigh-in will be next year...heheheheh....another three weeks ...on the 8th of January....2011. So am I going to gain ...or becoming the top loser......we will see...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Me..and My History

Dear Diary..
As you know ...I've been overweight almost the of my life . I am always a big size girl , we have big frames, so my grandmom always told. That's why you don't look your age. Even at the age of six, people always assume I am in primary two already. At the time I am still within the normal weight. I don't look fat. Checkout the pic. I'm just mature than my age. I started gaining weight when I started my primary school. Unfortunately, It never stop. I keep on growing bigger and bigger. Everytime after my maternity leave, I will be putting on more weight than before. Especially after my 4th baby. I couldn't take it anymore, when my weight interfering with my everyday life and and takes it toll on my health. I have to put my feet down and enough is enough. I don't know know what got into my mind ..I have enrolled into becoming a loser. Today is my third day. I've registered for the challenge on 20th Nov 2010. My weight? 129.8 kg. My body fat? Cannot be read bt the scale. So what have I done for the challenge? Am I ready for the challenge? I must be ready. No one can change me. Various doctors has advise me...even my boss did...I must take action. I hope this challenge can be my motivation for my own sake. I am the ONLY one who can CHANGE me. He..heh...easier said than done eh..? Yesterday was Sunday. Breakfast with my meal plan. Afternoon, I've cooked. 'Daging Masak Lomak Cili Api ' @ Meat in Spicy Yellow Coconut Gravy for my darling hubby and kids. I thought I can be strong. Just have a taste for spoon or two and just Fruit Salad for me. My will power is still weak. I end up taking some rice with the meat ..haha...ha ...instead of feeding my two year's old Huda and four year's old Hajar....I'm feeding the 36 year's old ,myself and I..hehhehehe and it is more than just two spoonful of it.... The regrets only came after I'm already full....he..he...So that is why ..TODAY..I determine to keep it to the plan. I starts my day with half litre of plain water. My breakfast is banana choc shake. Then I have my 2 litres of drinks till the afternoon.My Lunch at 2 , I'm taking fruit rojak, and a plate consisting of 3 small cuts of potato, half tofu (tauhu), three spoonful of dry stir cauliflower, some salad leaves. Between 2:30 to 5 , I'm taking another 2 litres of my tea. I'm not sure what would be my dinner. My next official weight in would be on the 4th of Dec. My target is to lose 10kg. I have 11 days to go . Aim for the star..hehheheheh...then you will atleast fall on the sky not to the ground.....See u tomorrow